list on lists

I admit I am partial to reading lists that are compiled by others, but are of interest to me. Similar to the much-loved Reader’s Digest I often perused when I was a kid, but digested even some more. The treasure trove nowadays though is online, which is teeming with these time-saving, money-shaving, self-laundering tips, plus things you should absolutely do before you die by age 45, and junk food to binge on without gaining a pound. Or like top 34 crazy ways to irritate your boss or top 72 ways to wear the little black dress and top 10 tyrants of all times.

Myself, I am not a list maker. Whether it’s a to do list or a grocery list, I find I’m too lazy and forgetful for it. Not like my best friend (let’s hide her by the name of Farah aka Habibti), who admits she has OCD and is a habitual list-maker.
But. Once I do make THE list, it stays there for good. Forget if the items were accomplished or not. Sometimes I conveniently blame it on being a Gemini.

So waking up on the 6th day of my medicated, now doctor-imposed quarantine, I chanced upon the CNN Times list of so many tops that I actually spent 2 days checking each one out. Seriously. From there I looked up other lists of people who made the list. Latest websites, freshest blogs, coolest newssites, I think I stayed till dawn two nights in a row for that. So before I completely forget everything again, the following are what stuck and what struck me. Writing them down is really not the greatest achievement of all time but they are worth checking into (*whisper* also serves as another list should I again have time on my hands to waste enjoy it online):

  1. cool hunting – simple, classy repository of all things designed to be cool
  2. smarthistory – see how they talk smartly about art
  3. proust – your life like you wrote it
  4. instaper – for the simple pleasure of pure reading
  5. 8 tracks – if you’re fond of mixing tunes to link or share on the FB wall of the object of your affection
  6. dooce – an inspiration on how to be a professional blogger
  7. the 50 best inventions of 2010 – a lot of green, actually buildable stuff we didn’t know about
  8. open yale courses – take a whiff of the ivy league education
  9. the everywhereist – an inspiration on how to be a travel/life blogger

10. al jazeera English – newssite fix with thoughtful and striking articles
10.1 gawkerverse – food, dwelling, wedding pictures to drool ogle at

I wanted to include a couple of economics/finance advice sites but I resolved to limit only to, oh, 10-10.1ish… Besides, they are mainly applicable in the US (though experts will probably refute the geographical boundaries, and political influence if I can add that in, of the western market) and my current economics are based on Middle East and Far East Asia. The other website mainstays are on my blog roll and these are from friends as well as strangers. The strangers I’m just stalking checking out for now and as soon as I get the nerve I’ll come up, say hi and leave a brilliantly witty message. Please feel free to do the same. 